Canyonlands: Tales from Narrow Places

Sliding through Parker Creek Canyon

Posted in Southern & Central Arizona by canyoneering on July 11, 2009

Sliding through Parker Creek Canyon

Parker Creek Canyon, 3B/C/I/III
1.7 – 4.2 miles
Tonto National Forest- Sierra Ancha Wilderness
10/01/07, 04/15/08


David and I have descended Parker Creek Canyon twice. Once with Mike as a strenuous through trip with a car shuttle, the second time during an American Canyoneering Association (ACA) class. The ACA class opted for the Cadillac exit instead of descending the entire canyon.

Parker Creek Canyon is a quartzite canyon with a handful of rappels, down climbs and waterslides. Parker Creek Canyon can be done almost year round although depending on when you descend the canyon the conditions can be drastically different ranging from nothing but stagnant pools in blazing hot conditions to winter and early spring conditions of intense water flow.

With moss covered stonewalls, waterfalls and beautiful scenery of Roosevelt Lake below the trip makes for a fun adventure.


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